
Sunday 5 April 2015

Class Exercise ( Week 7 )

  1. Class Exercise: Review on the existing website on Mc.Donald. List out the pro & cons of the interface design layout, the navigation buttons and is the information clear enough for the user to understand to navigation the page?
  • After reviewed McDonald's website I couldn't find the deficiency of the website. As the simplicity of the layout make it easier to the viewer to view it. The color that had been used is recognized-able from the very first we view it. 
  • Next, the navigation buttons is clear enough for the user to understand and to navigate the page as it has been organized simple and has been distinguished accordingly. The language that has been used is another influenced in making a good interface design as the designer should use a language that is easily can be understand.
  • Thus, i can conclude that McDonald's website is an example of a good interface design with perfect navigation buttons.
    2. These are the print screen from McDonald's website


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